Patricia Levin, Ph.D.

I am currently an independent curator based in Des Moines, Iowa. I started Critical Theory Art Projects in 2024. I curated two exhibits, the first one, "Here and There: Flânerie, Memory, and Identity" for Olson Larsen Galleries. The second project, "Elsewhere" for M/A/S/S at Mainframe Studios. I will relocate to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the spring of 2025 to develop Critical Theory Art projects into an international business.
I ran Archive Fever Curatorial Services from 2016-2024. I advised and wrote essays for artists in the Netherlands and France. I spent most of my time teaching and developing online courses.
I taught at Saddleback College from the fall of 1987 through the spring of 2021. When I first arrived I directed the College Art Gallery. I organized numerous exhibitions featuring some of the most important Los Angeles-based artists of the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was exciting to bring their work to south Orange County so that the community could be exposed to the lively art scene of Los Angeles. At that time, LA was emerging as one of the world's most important cities for contemporary art, often surpassing NYC.
In 1994, I returned to university to complete my Ph.D. in Visual Studies from UCI. In 1996, I became an Independent Curator. I organized several international exhibitions. I did most of my work in Canada, working with artists from Vancouver to Montreal. My most significant projects came in collaboration with the Francophone artist, Nicole Jolicoeur.
During the last five years of my teaching career, I focused on developing online Art History classes. Art History is a perfect match for the visual online platform. I taught online while living in Armenia, Scotland, and the Netherlands. I retired from teaching in 2021.