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Abbreviated CV






PhD Visual Studies, University of California, Irvine

Modern Media and Theories of Spectatorship: Critical Theory with David Joselit,

History of Photography with Sally Stein, and Film Theory with Linda Williams.

Dissertation: About Turns: Minimalism to Excess in the Films of Yvonne Rainer. Linda Williams, Chair


MA Comparative Culture, University of California, Irvine.

Expressive Forms of Culture.


MA Art History and Museum Studies, University of Southern California.

Modern and Contemporary Art (Susan Larsen)

Curatorial Studies (Selma Holo)

Thesis: A Studio of One’s Own: Vanessa Bell and British Modernism. Susan Larsen, Chair


BA Dance Performance and Choreography, University of California, Los Angeles




Founder and Curator at Critical Theory Art Projects, 2024 to present




Founder and Curator at Archive Fever Curatorial Services, 2016 to 2024

Independent Curator, 1996-2016

Professor and Chair, Art History, Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, 1997-2021

Director and Curator, Saddleback College Art Gallery, 1987-1997

Curator of Collections, Long Beach Museum of Art, 1985-1987

Fellow, J.P. Getty Museum, Manuscript Department, Malibu, 1985

Curatorial Assistant, Fisher Gallery, USC, 1983-1985


Courses Taught


Modern and Contemporary Art, History of Photography, Women and Art, Museum/Gallery Studies, Art Appreciation, Introduction to the Theories of Art, Survey of Western Art


Selected Exhibitions


Elsewhere, M/A/S/S at Mainframe Studios, Des Moines, IA.

Here and There: Flânerie, Memory, and Identity, Olson Larsen Galleries, West Des Moines, IA.

Past Imperfect, University of Saskatchewan, Kenderdine Art Gallery and Wignall Art Museum, Chaffey College.

Digital Matter, Digital Memory I & II, University of Saskatchewan, Kenderdine Art Gallery.

Coughing Paint: Feminism and New Painting, Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA.

Out on Screen: Queer Film and Video, The Film and Video Center, UCI.

Bernd Damke and Rudolf Knubel: Painting and Sculpture, Long Beach Museum of Art, Sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Relations, Stuttgart and the Goethe Institute, Los Angeles.

Berliner Stadtlandschaften/Berlin Cityscapes, Long Beach Museum of Art, Sponsored by the Goethe Institute, Los Angeles.

Japan/America, Long Beach Museum of Art.

Fusion, Fisher Gallery, University of Southern California.

Flemish Manuscript Painting, J.P. Getty Museum.


Selected Publications


“The Moth, the Water, the Mouth, the Veil: A Reading of Nicole Jolicoeur’s ‘Symptômes’” in Félix Ernesto Chavéz y Diego Falconi (eds.) A Body That Could Never Rest: Relaciones Entre Cuerpo Y Cultura En Las Tradiones Anglófonas Cuerpos Que Quentan, vol. 2 UAB, 2008.


“The Camera Made Me Do It: Nicole Jolicoeur and Troubling Archives” with Jeanne Perreault in Charles Merewether, ed., The Archives, Documents in Art Series, MIT Press, 2006.


“Yvonne Rainer’s Avant-Garde Melodramas: When the Personal is Political” in Jean Petrolle and Virginia Wexman, Women and Experimental Filmmaking, University of Illinois Press, 2005.


“The Camera Made Me Do It: Female Identity and Troubling Archives” with Jeanne Perreault in Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Vol. 37 No. 4, December 2004. University of Manitoba, pp.51-56.


Research Interests


Photography, Film, New Media, Performance, Visual Culture, Phenomenology, and Marlene Dietrich



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